Against the Past and Present Woes

3 min readMay 9, 2022

What upsets you right now will pass, and you will, believe it or not, miss something about it. At the base of tension, drama, and heartbreak, there are frequently valuable lessons to be learned. Don’t let the gravity of the situation obscure the importance of the lesson.

Take a close look at your problems and appreciate them. This may be where you are right now, but it will not be tomorrow, and when that moment comes, you will realize that everything in your life served a reason. Even if the opportunity appears to be a mirage, be sure that preparation meets opportunity. It will come, but remember that action distinguishes heroes from cowards, achievers from complainers, successful from mere dreamers, happy from envious: it separates those who rise to the challenge of their goals from those who cower in the shadow of stagnancy. Your unsolved concerns will continue to provide opportunities for you to learn what you need to know. All you have to do is pay attention because knowledge will come when you are ready.

You may feel so strong and have every good intention, and yet you still get mercilessly beaten down and defeated. Just can’t win them all, and you’ll have to accept that when the time comes. To refuse to admit weakness is to be defeated mercilessly over and over again. Acceptance can be mercy at times. When you’re tired or defeated, letting go could be mercy. Everyone experiences hell, but not everyone remains there. Stop torturing yourself by replaying the experiences. Good people face tremendous challenges, but wise ones know when and how to let go. We all know that wisdom does not come easily, and that it is typically the result of painful experiences.

Many of us act rashly when it comes to dealing with our grief. We compound our wounds by struggling, denying, and fighting against what simply is, like an animal struggling in a steel trap. We become our own tormentors when we fail to learn the wisdom of acceptance. We suffer when we refuse to let go, yet we can’t let go of something until it has taught us everything we need to know. Recognizing, confronting, accepting, and healing are all steps in the process of letting go. Simply put, letting go means suffering only as much as is absolutely necessary to extend and strengthen ourselves. Some suffering is necessary for us to develop, learn, and enhance our compassion. You have learned enough when you let go, and now have compassion for yourself.

Allowing yourself to let go means not scratching that hurting spot until it becomes infected, just to allow it heal completely. Allowing yourself to let go results in a permanent scar, but not a permanent wound. Letting go indicates you’ve been through hell, but you’ve emerged ready to make your life a paradise. Allowing yourself to let go means refusing to be a victim for the rest of your life by allowing one moment to define the rest of your life. Accepting change and the fact that your pain isn’t permanent involves letting go. Accepting that you cannot change the past, but insisting that the past cannot change your future is letting go. You are ready to go forward when you let go and live. You are no longer terrified when you let go. Fear had always held you captive; letting go means you’re truly free.

You can only do what you can do. ENOUGH is all you can do. Just make sure you do everything you can. Half-hearted attempts yield no rewards; you either do your best or accept the consequences; the goal is not to dance about the edges of the person you want to be, but to jump in totally and completely. If you’re not happy with what you’re getting, remember to look at what you’re giving. No matter how much effort you put in, discontent, blaming, moaning, and self-pity cannot act as a framework for a good future. While blaming is deceptive in that it appears to be a way out, it is actually a sort of confinement.


